Thursday, February 01, 2007

Something that's been buggin' me for some time..

When I started blogging (when started offering the feature) I had set certain criterias of what I would and would not put in it. for instance, it shouldnt have anything too personal that I may regret posting later on(which is also sometimes boring), but should be about my personal life and observations. It should be interesting, mostly light subjects and just about anything can be put with a subtle moderation to be able to be read by parents, peers and just about anyone else. Most importantly, it should be entertaining. Another very important point, and to an extent defining this blog further from some i've seen, is that i usually am not likely to post anything that has been published or form other sources. In other words, everything is original (i personally think it's a selling point). It's also to avoid some problems, like copyright, the authenticity of the information (eg those forwarded emails etc). If it's something religious, I'm afraid of giving the wrong information, since there are a lot of those (things that can lead to syirik, fake hadiths etc). My opinions are my opinions. And if i read info from any sources, and take note from them, unless i'm sure it's authentic and can be spread, I will treat it as info to help my daily personal doings. InsyaAllah, I might be able to be a better da'ie, but subtlety is not so bad. I believe doing little is best as opposed to doing nothing or doing it wrong. Even taking verses from the Holy Quran makes me think twice, as i might interpret it wrongly with what little knowledge I have. for this reason, and others(eg it got too personal or one-sided or offensive, although thankfully I never used the 2 latter reasons) sometimes my posts were drafted instead of published.
Eventhough I think it that way, i cant help thinking if I'm holding back too much. Maybe pasting words of wisdom might help others, since some fellow bloggers do it all of the time. I thought of making another blog so that I can copy some stuffs there and write here, but, being the lazy procrastinator I've always been, it never got started Besides, it might become one of those 'forgotten' projects and that blog would stay empty, since it made more sense to make a blog with more than one author, than one author making a few blogs simultaneously.
Another problem with this 'helping others' stuff is my state of mind. For a good deed to be accepted, it has to be from a good intention- not, for example, if I were to do this because I wanted fame, or just to show that I'm this or that good. To an extent, everyone likes attention, but then, it would be pointless, and possibly self-destructive for me. I also dont want to do this if it's only for getting acknowledgement from others. It wont be as good as the truly rewarding intention of helping others and promoting& upholding my beloved religion. Any other reason might just turn out to be just for my ego, and I'd hate that. but is not actively(or directly) posting stuff like that a sign of my ego too(especially if someone asks it of me)?
Anonymity seems to be an answer, but that raises another question: Could anonymity be interpreted as an ego too? since any anonymous nicknames i might come up with can also be praised or criticised, and I might end up in one of those awkward conversations talking about my alter-ego, for good or bad.

Actually someone did ask me to add more Islamic stuffs, but I believe in my way, though theirs is not wrong either. Please don't compare, and less criticism (although sometimes it's needed and I ask you to give me any whenever necessary) is better, for Muslims should support their brothers and sisters (not the other way round and turning agianst each other or causing others' grief/downfall/regress). That is my advice for the day

PS: whoa.. colourful fonts shows how much free time I have right now,hehe.. if time is gold, I'd be wallowing in luxury right now, swimming through the golden coins like Scrooge McDuck (you know, that old rich duck in "Duck Tales"..)


Anonymous said...

Nicely put. Though I couldnt read the red writings well, hehe. The green writings are the most readable for me.

Anyway it's true, there can be many interpretations of a certain matter and many times our differences are acceptable. So it's best if we keep our minds open.

Perhaps since time is abundant at your doorstep, reading Islamic books would be beneficial eh?

zyryx said...

haha, thanks, insyaAllah I'll do that...
maybe green and white is better for this webpage..yellow seems a good choice too..hehe

Anonymous said...

hrm..go abg zul!!
(refer to my post titled *ikan masak lemak & cili api*..) i like ur comments

ifos said...

Firstly, originality- I highly vouch for that. Have seen too little too much of the opposite effect in blogging realm ;)

About writing/blogging- I write because I love to write- it's one of the ways that i'm able to voice my thoughts. Thoughts which I prefer to share with others instead of keeping 'em to my own. In other words, I don't like keeping personal diaries... too 'compressing' for me. And further, as much as it's good to provide good, educational stuff for readers, it's alright to keep it your personal space too. Granted, people will always find something good to gain from what they read in your everyday entries, inshaallah =)

dith said...

That Anon comment was mine, :p

I see someone is up and about blog-patrolling the minute she touches down! :p

zyryx said...

uh huh..hehe

well ifos , i like to write too, even before weblogging(actually, maybe it was more like recording stuff,and for a few years it was in point form)...but writing in public is a first, and that makes a whole lot of difference