salam sume,
jangan terpengaruh dengan email2 begini dan forward. siasat dulu. Apa gune lego buat bende tak berfaedah macam ni?
sila baca statement lego:
ada beberapa je kemungkinan:
- org Islam sendiri yang nak api-apikan sentimen orang muslim,tapi dengan cara salah, malah belum tentu pun musuh kite ialah LEGO
- Musuh2 Islam
- musuh2 LEGO yang mempergunakan kita
yang pasti, gambar2 fitnah begini merosakkan minda kita je, dengan memberi imprint dalam otak yang merosakkan, wallahualam..
ini lagi berite lego,dan statement tadi klu terlepas:
semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa2 kita, dan menunjukkan jalan yang benar..
there have been other similar emails I encountered on the net, like the coca cola ad, starbucks, and Ka'abah. I dont know what to say about them.
I'm just gonna say be wary of the internet's info,and maybe all other media too,as at times, it may be misleading, whether intentional or not, to the unsuspecting people.
sometimes, it's better not to have seen those disturbing images.dont you know there's a cult or something about watching gory images, or porn etc. Some poor souls have become addicted to this kind of stuff.IMO these stuffs (the emails) can be categorized as one of them,
it's an unfortunate negative byproduct of our information technology days

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