cikgu: seriyess..!?
student2 blkg: stat dahh..

for me it's a creative process-practice makes perfect. for friends and family-sometimes a generalised letter. for me,friends,family and others (even the monkey reading this statement right now..yes..dont look around wondering who and pretend that you're not)- another blog with this writer trying hard to entertain...
semua nampak doctorly here.. all the best!
ala...gambar tu die amik dari bilik atas tu la...tak prasan ke?
mase lecture kadang2 bunyi orang borak2..ko ingat bunyi tu datang dari mane?hehe...
last pic :
posing maut. macam power rangers..
aku la yg edit gamba tu...ak ala terlebeh cerah ke?
thanks for the comments everyone...sorry i didnt reply in time,
no anon, bukan pasal cerah je, ada orang yg ditampal kat post tu klu tgk btul2
wi, i'm gonna add you on my list of naughty children...and the bloggers on the right here..
notice the 'doctor' holding the lock..haha..mmg posing maut
thanks amir, i guess,never bothered to look up, i'm still hoping it's a spider-cameraman
thanks ifos and amani..the university hired the cameraman, of course they're great..hehe
doctor lock itu poyol giler..keke
ganas laa korang.. apsal tak pukul pukul cikgu tuh skit.. kakaka
waa sape yg kene tampal... I'm guessing kak lin, betul ke? hehe.
haha nak kene pukul?
still, i'm guessing it's pretty well edited since no one noticed till i had to shed some light on it.
it's coming out in our U mag,hopefully those reading this wont tell...hehe
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