Thursday, October 09, 2008

Happy New Year!!

This is actually a long ago post which wasnt published, but i'm not wasting time writing a new one...

What have I done for myself with my gaji?
I bought a fridge, a phone (the old one “collapsed”- i did manage to “revive” the old chap but it wasn’t working as well anymore), and lotsa food for each meal i could get my hands on..
Am planning to get some wheels, maybe a pda (the quick reference is really helpful in the wards), and i might move out some time this year.
Other than that I’ve been saving more or less...i still haven’t got my 4 months’ worth of on-calls (i get 8 calls every month) but I’m not really in a hurry to get it,they can give it in bulk later, I’m quite comfortable already.
Have you heard about the day off for the doctor on-call? No formal circulation is out, but the consultants doubt that it could happen..firstly if in HTAR, it would mean 7 housemen would be missing out of 20 something, and that’s not counting those taking their rest leave and EL..
Secondly if 4-5 out of 6 HOs in charge of one ward were on call that night, then the next day would be haywire if only 1-2 housemen were to take charge of 60+ patients, when previously they had only one cubicle..i had a similar day once (new housemen went for orientation,2 were on leave)..and it was not pretty
My personal opinion- how about giving those post-callers a half-day...they wont need to clerk any admissions for the day...just finish the rounds and any other issues in their cubicles, and go home early just like any weekend. It’s least better than the day off idea...any qid monitoring or pm stuff could be covered by others in the ward.
Maybe I should get this stuff straight to MOH, and maybe I should iron my clothes too once in a while, maybe I should jog once in a while and maybe i should wait for that proverbial blue moon first.hehe..
PS: do you think I should stop using the READ MORE button for each posting?It seems to make us do an extra click to get to the full posting, a real pain in the neck if your wireless internet has problems catching up with a turtle in a race..heck, I can't even properly download my YM these past few months...
currently listening to: Aliff Aziz
Sayang Sayang

Friday, October 03, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!

Maaf Zahir Dan Batin

here's to all who know me, and know me well enough to frequent this blog, even though it's been irregularly updated since the past 3 years - thank you

Im now a houseman in HTAR Klang,in the medical department, living in the hostel for 1 year
Im working 7 days a week, seven to eight on calls a month, with about 10 days of holidays for 4 months (including this 5 day Hari Raya break, which was a miracle i could get 5 days)

I had a needle prick incident on my 3rd or 2nd week of work...the patient was restrained by two policemen but still managed to kick me lightly- enough to cause the needle prick as i was setting his brenula. So currently Im on meds, Combivir to be exact..and boy does it have side effects
lesson of that day: assess the patient you're going to prick first

i've learnt a lot more but it would take too long to list everything.

A little advice for my dear juniors in Russia:

...lepas 3rd year try la wat attachment, especially kat hosp tertiery/besar
biasekan diri ngan hosp2 kite, sistem2 kite
aku blaja sistem rusia je..pening stat keje
tapi rugi la klu kite tolak sistem tempat kite blaja sendiri...byk bende yg bagus kat dlm sistem rusia...

(i copied it from a recent YM too lazy to rewrite everything)

PS: no i dont have a car yet, I'm not planning anything except trying to do my job right (and finishing off those discharge summaries piling up), I received my first rounded up paycheck about a week ago (found out yesterday), and I disowned my last camera and gave it to my sister who's going to USA next year, so currently I don't have anything to record vids and pics with...too bad

have a great hari raya everyone, hope you had a nice ramadhan this year