Friday, January 06, 2006

the 2nd post

keeping 2 blogs might just be a nuisance,i dont think i have that much time.creating a new blog requires time..thanks to some friends,my blog is starting to look and feel nice..things i've always wanted to put are slowly getting into place..this sort of feels like moving..well,it is, in a cyber sense.
i decided that fancy fonts are not necessary for can be fun,but right now i dont feel like it..what's important is the contents,and the atmosphere of it reflecting ME, and not some loner trying to get attention,although at times I do feel that sentiment rising in me..
a friend asked me why must i write in english?well,it helps me english was getting rusty and needed sharpening, and there is no limit when it comes to mastering a school, i wrote in malay,because that was a weak subject,now i realise that my english is mediocre at best,me only managing to retain the level of english i had from Form 3.i love my native language, but it's a fact that i learn in english, and this language will be an important factor in my line of work,hopefully giving an edge on my side..

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