hi! again i'm going online for a few hours today,and this time i've created a photoblog!at 1st i wanted to create one here,but then i remembered how a few of my friends' were, compared them and decided to make it at fotopages.com . Right now im uploading some pics.if u want to see them please go to zyryx84.fotopages.com
watch 'em and leave a comment if possible.not that i'm pressuring u to or anything.
here are a few more sites i'd like fellow muslims abroad and anywhere needed to see about foods
http://www.gmwa.org.uk/foodguide2/index.phphttp://www.eathalal.org/http://www.eathalal.org/haram_shortlist.htmhttp://www.eat-halal.com/updates/2005.shtmlWWW.FOODGUIDE.ORG.UKif u want to find out more..i suggest u try searching yourself..type halal and any company name..insyaAllah it'll get u where u want.
here's an interesting article i hope u'll enjoy it
I can still remember the unique attitude of the elders back in the 'kampung'(village) long ago. Back then,the wooden houses were on stilts,and the empty area underneath the house was almost always used to keep old stuffs that had never been used.
Usually bottles, tin cans, or rotten old planks.
I dont know why they were never thrown away. They just were put there.
Never used, but never thrown away either.
Interestingly, whenever these 'antiques' were noticed and others want to take them, the elders would quickly prohibit them.
"You cant use them","It's too precious for us to give", and many other reasons would come up.
That was the analogy that came up in my mind as I was asked about the anger of the Muslim Community towards the publishing of the caricatures insulting Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.(peace be upon him) by the journals in Europe, specifically in Denmark.
"Aren't you angry?" asked a student just after the discussion forum about the aforementioned subject.
"Yes I am" I answered slowly.
"That's not enough. Tomorrow let's march and burn the Denmark flag!"I smiled a little.
"We have a better way. There's a more powerful weapon. Doa(our prayer)" I answered.
"We must show our anger to those who insult our Rasul."
"Showing our love to Rasulullah is more important."
"Our anger is the symbol of our love"
"Quite true. But proving our love by following his Sunnah(teachings/example) is by far more important."
"Are you afraid?"I looked in to his eyes.
"Following his Sunnah needs more bravery. The obstacles are greater. In fact, the challenges even come from Muslim people themselves." I prodded him softly.
"Let's burn their flag!"
"Let's 'burn' their way of life. That's more relevent."This time it was his turn to be quiet.
Maybe this student whose 'on fire' has started to digest the meaning of my words.So i re-told my earlier analogy.Alhamdulillah (All praise to God), he listened tentatively.
"We and the Sunnah, are like the people of old and the stuff under the house, they were never used, let alone upheld/glorified, but when someone wants to take it away, then we start making a fuss of it,about wanting to use them."
"Then how should we show our anger?"
"Demonstrations are in front of people. In front of Allah, we pray. Let's muhasabah(relfect [on our own doings]), how much is our love towards His Prophet. Maybe the Western provocation had brought a hidden lesson."
"A hidden lesson?"
"Yes, a hidden lesson from Allah to us so that we could re-evaluate ourselves, have we really loved the sunnah of His Prophet all this time."
"The anger of the ummah is the proof," he said with enthusiasm.
"Anger is only seasonal. Only a sentimental burst with a scale. But diligence, intelligence, planning and endurance needs a long time."
"Your meaning?"It was obvious he was influenced by the twists and turns of words.
"In the long term, have we taught our young generation to love the Rasul(Prophet) and his family? I am worried that our young generation, drunk with hedonism now would not have the anger that you are having now."
"I have peers whose lives are a mess, but they are still angered when the Rasulullah was mocked. They will join the marching crowds tomorrow!"
"Lives in a mess? How is that so?" I asked. I wanted to be sure.
"They live like rockers. they never pray. An immoral,"free" life is normal for them but their love for the Prophet never faltered."
"Invite them to perform their prayers first. Even not marching is ok. Love first,anger later. When there is love, of course there will be anger when Love is disgraced. But if there is only anger, it doesnt always mean that love is there."He was silent again. This time the silence was even longer.
"Do you think that the elders would be angry if we take the valuable stuff in the house?" he asked suddenly.
"which elders?" I asked again. Surprised.
"The old people in your analogy before!"
"That question has less 'uumph'(*not quite interesting)," I joked.
"Then what question would have had more 'uumph'?"
"Would there have been anyone who dared to ask about the stuff in the house? Compared to the stuff under the house?" i replied.He contemplated again. It's fun 'helping' the student to 'think'. I was reminded of my own enthusiastic spirits during my years in campus. Mymind wandered on..