Saturday, March 04, 2006


I'm a bit sick..but the slight temperature increase,quickly followed by sweating shows that my body's fighting to get well soon,and worse symptoms like coughs and sore throat are at a minimum or it's ok!!

Still, I got irritated easier...the headaches,runny nose and the occasionally loud "Ahhh..Chooo!!" gets on my and maybe other peoples' nerves too..

---I dont feel like myself right now

I think I got this cold from standing half an hour in the cold in line to buy my bus pass..then a gain it might have been that time when i had just opened my 'shapka'(snowcap) and some dirty water fro the rooftops fell on my head,or when once i came back home in the afternoon,thought it was warm enough and wore lighter clothes, and later the temperature dropped again...or maybe it was the numerous times I walked in the cold this past week, either saving a few roubles or it being the only way to get to my destinations--- such mistakes when i had tried so hard not to get sick this year with my vitamins,warm clothing,food etc...

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