Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the reply that replied back

i was browsing virtualfriends.net browsing lazily,bored as always. then i started to reply a certain discussion

blaja je la..kite jangan jadikannya alasan sebab apa kite tak dapat (deleted). (deleted) stat camtu..follow je la kalau dah tak mampu buat apa2.play the(deleted) game. when we learn (deleted), takkan rugi nye. jangan anggap bende tu obstacle..
instead think of it as a stepping stone.(sentence deleted)
(deleted)..dont show your weakness..be strong..the times will change..and so must we..in order to survive,and to take the step ahead..we cant stay this weak and whine everytime some things are not going our way..instead of waiting for the path to show, we need to pave the path ourselves

i was addressing something else,answering a wholly dwifferent issue..but then the contents sounded weird. i stopped, looked back, and when i deleted some parts- voila! a message appeared for me from me..seems like i'm trying to motivate myself..talk about me being psycho,hehe..

whatever..good luck to everyone in Russia for the examinations this summer..gambate neh, udachi vam..

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