Saturday, July 15, 2006

the post that made it

yikes, my latest blog entry didnt seem to make it...i had hoped that last glitch in the computer forcing me to close it didnt have that effect,since i had spent over an hour on it well..that's that then since i feel like writing something else and might have forgotten anyway what i wanted to write. mostly it was about love, romance, freedom, the flight back,pakistan, and my new home in pulau labuan in the 10th floor of a condominium with a different car and lifestyle altogether..well all that except for the 1st 2 words.i'm doing something veeeeewwwy excoitin' wight now..a project(?) of sorts.well..maybe not that exciting but i'd still want to write about it only when i've done everything.other than that i can safely say that i'm coming to Peninsular on the 23rd..but damn, i have only a week to live...there, and i'll have to do the most important stuffs(buy med books,buy laptop for russian fren,help fren wif passport,meet MARA)[which i doubt will all be done anyway] before i even think about meeting my ol' fwens..sorry la ye kalau tak sempat..i'm finding a way to squeeze my pics to fit that teeny weeny space so-called my blog,or repair the house pc...otherwise,i'm hopelessly stuck with dumb words and geeky sentences to keep this's kinda far from what i imagined being in malaysia (internet surfing-wise) wif the new streamyx and all..i get stuck for days sitting around wif a yet another 'imbasan AF' or whateverwhere did they get those mini flags? did they have a sign like in the airplanes that says 'please take flage under the seat and wave it wildly in the appropiate song' or was it like the oxygen masks that fall down in front of them with messages telling to 'pull the strings and try to get the flags to wave' in the start of the song?hehei recently joined a camping(but mostly i slept out because of the heat eventhough we were on an island) activity,but lazy as i am let's just say i had a good time for one night.another of my cousins got married,this time she was my age. I found guys around my age working at my workplace,working here,working there...gosh,am i that old?my detective-like instinct or rather radar for comics and other books supplied me with many of them in the new house.consequently i finished off the comic books within the 1st 5 days, and am reading another book (childrens' books,mind you) about king arthur and another one about narnia(the 1st one..err..the britches?the glitch?the twitch,the itch and the wart?i dont remember and i'm not trying to)i'm trying to make it a habit to go to the gym downstairs..and maybe try that swimming pool more often.for days i had a severe diarrhoea which killed my appetite, distended my stomach(yes,really..i'm actually not this buncit),and (please try not to visualize it) inflamed my anus so that it hurt every time i wash..ouch...i shudder at the pain and discomfort every time i think about it.but that's partly over now as after a prescription, i am left with minimal discomfort and a still slightly bloated stomach(hmm...)

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