Saturday, December 02, 2006

Photo editing and me – learned something new!

As I browsed through the blogs today, I found some photos which were definitely edited in an interesting way. Then the authors mentioned some hard to get words like ‘leveling’ and raw stuff or other- curiosity didn’t kill this cat, but I knew I wouldn’t be content until I found out how they did it and what those ‘leveling’ terms mean. Faintly I recall Shuk saying something about the modern photographer nowadays editing their pictures with programmes before publishing them (yeah I might have got the idea to put my web address on my pics from that)…so I opened my Photoshop…and -voila!- some exciting, new ,and possibly precious information entered my shapka-ruined-hair-covered brain- and it kept me stuck here for about an hour before I wrote this entry.(ok I lied a bit-I ‘google’d the words and read a bit before I opened the programme)
Anyway here are some experiments I did, though I’m not actually proud of them yet…this might prove to be useful in the future…

PS:(currently i'm in a mood@ state of apparent blogging madness-as u can see,i have made 3 successive entries in the course of 1 night,so uploading these pictures, unqualified as they mightbe, is justified)


Anonymous said...

I use Adobe Photoshop to edit my pics... discovered it years ago (thanks to having a computer-whiz of a father) but still stuck in beginner's phase. haha. Mainly due to kemalasan utk mengexplore all the finer techniques. Normally I just do some levellings, smart-sharpening, colour balance, and contrasting. It's definitely handy, this technology. Happy experimenting ;)

zyryx said...

really? i almost never did edit my photos before :P
in fact how people make photo collages remains a mystery to me,since i've never made one, and can only guess how they do it..hehe
i'm using Corel Photoshop Pro X,recommended to me in Low Yat last july.i've never used anything other than Paint or Microsoft photo editor, and more recently Picasa to resize my photos, if u're a beginner i'm probably a caveman frozen in time and waking up to some advanced technology never before imagined in his life in place of that fire he invented just before bed.
maybe i'm not much for decorating anyway.but enhancements?way coool!

Anonymous said...

Caveman waking up into a modern world eh? Sounds like the the seven guys of al Kahfi, :p

Anonymous said...

im using photoimpression... (ever heard of it? editting101) so, hm.. looks like im out of the league..

zyryx said...

dith: interesting insight.i didnt think of it that way when i wrote that..i might be out of their league right now..hehe..though i hope i could be as faithful..insyaAllah

hmm.. i think i've heard of it somewhere..i looked into a few photo editing programmes (but didnt install all of them) before i went to malaysia and bought my current photo editor...but hey, any prog is way better than using Paint for resizing,hehe..

Anonymous said...


Insyallah I pray you'll be in their league if not better!