Saturday, December 02, 2006

clinical pharma: post -mortem

I’ve just finished clinical pharmacology. It’s fun. Twice we went to our rector, Petrov’s lecture for doctors in which I gratefully slept (what? I was tired and needed sleep), and most of the time was a fun 2 way discussion in which Professor Frolov presents a case and we try to guess how the best treatment would be for the patient in different circumstances. Each drug’s side effects, interactions, p/kinetics were taken into account, and our case history report was a bit complicated, but exciting because I needed to explain why I chose the drugs in detail. We even had to make a table for interactions between all the drugs in the treatment course (actually very complicated. I didn’t do that well, but I tried, hehe). Bunyi mcm gempak..and I actually felt gempak too, right until the point I realized it was a bit too complicated, and then realized more could have been done. (As always, I’m a last-minute worker…ask my mom, ask my housemates.they’ll vouch for that, hehe)


Anonymous said...

pharmaco... and u explained in ruski?? gempak!!

do u read gempak, zyryx? soalan saje2.

zyryx said...

er.. i think we talked in english..except when the prof's stuck with the translation,then we'll be in russki mode

i do read them...but only in malaysia, hehe