I’m giving out information and also revising a bit for tomorrow’s ОЗЗ (Общественное Здоровье и Здравоохранение), (for you non-Russian-speaking kids, it means Public health and health services) computer test. it's actually interesting, if you want to compare the sytem here and in malaysia (which i cannot fully, because i dont know how the system works in Malaysia). It's widely used in Russia and in some other countries too.
Here it is, in short…( but it’s a long one)
In Russia, we students are given a spravka i.e. a certificate, whenever we are sick, which we must ask the doctor, and later the foreign students dept. to make and present it to the lecturer.
Workers on the other hand, will get a листка нетрудоспособности (disability form)
or Л.Н. (L.N.) which is either permanent (invalid group I, II, and III), or temporary.
It’s also given to pregnant women and people on leave to care for a sick family member (will be discussed later), or even healthy people e.g. a chef whose wife has acute infectious hepatitis)
Technically spravkas and LNs are the same, but the functions are different.
They are given for the same reason as M.C.s in Russia. For LN, they are given for
Legal reasons – giving the right to be free from work for a certain period
Statistical reasons – as a document for statistical analysis of diseases with temporary work disability
Financial – gives the right to receive help/ insurance from insurance companies
The spravkas are given out for 2 reasons:
(But I’d rather add financial too, since without it we’d have to pay about 120rubles per hour for each class without a spravka (that’s abut 600+rubles- a little less than 100 ringgit)
The disability forms (LN) are given:
· To just about every legally working citizen and foreigner who temporarily lost their working capability
· According to the rules and regulations of the agreement “On the regulation of rendering of medical service to…”(it’s a long one)
· Citizens with a temporary disability or whose leave due to pregnancy and birth occur within a month after being discharged from work. (the lecturer pointed out that this is the case with a reasonable reason for example when a company’s downsizing, and they were discharged, or any other reason that’s not their fault e.g. if they got fired due to disciplinary issues, it wouldn’t be that easy)
· Citizens who are registered as not working (e.g. a rare specialty making it hard to find work. The government will pay them every month-how cool is that! The lecturer told us of a geologist she knew living in Germany without working, with a wife who’s a lecturer for Ukrainian language who live off this scheme, and still afford to send their children to private schools, buy a house and cars e.t.c. There are not many in Russia since those not working only get about 1700 rubles(a bit more than 50 USD). This may sound familiar to those living in Volgograd, they register at the “служба занятости” and other similar sounding organizations
· To some other groups not in Malaysia, and some other agreements
The LN is not given to
· Nonworkers
· in temporary disability occurring during unpaid leave (leave without a preservation of salary)
· for prosthesis in ambulatory-polyclinics(outpatient, e.g. teeth prostheses, limb prosthesis, and not endoprostheses and others similar to it needing hospitalization and surgical procedures
· workers caring for a family member if they already are on holiday( later they will be given LN after the holiday is over)
The only ones who have the right to give these forms are:
· Licensed, qualified doctors, treating the patients, observing their dynamics and giving the prognosis.(this means other doctors eg radiologists cant give LN)
· Medical workers/attendants with middle medical education , in the absence of a doctor (usual case in Russia, in villages when pregnant women meet the medical attendants every month, as there were no doctors around for miles)(only for mild cases, if there is a possibility of a sever disease, they will be sent to the nearest medical establishment with a doctor)
Ther groups DO NOT have the right to give out LN
· Ambulance
· Stations for blood transfusion
· Forensic medical establishments
· Doctors of the general practice departments (приемное отделение= receiving department) of hospitals- they will direct patients to the doctors in therapeutic or other departments
· Some others
Regulations for giving the LN
The periods:
· The LN is given for less than 10days, is continued for another 10 days if needed, for up to 30 days in total.(only in special cases the doctor can give LN until full recovery.). The doctor will determine the dynamics, treatment and prognosis within this period. E.g. for common cold – no more than 3-4 days because known short course of the disease.
· Medical attendants have the right to give LN for 5 days, and continued until 10 days (because they only treat light cases. More sever cases need the attention of a doctor). Again, in exceptional cases, after consultation with a doctor, only can the period be lengthened up to 30 days.
· After 30 days, the case is taken by a commission of experts for the decision of further treatment and prolonging the LN
· According to the decision of the commission of experts(KEK in Russian), in a good clinical and working prognosis the LN can be prolonged, but no more than 10 months. In isolated cases (traumas, after reconstructive operations, tuberculosis) – no more than 12 months, with periods of continuation of LN no longer than 30 days.
The LN is given too according to the time needed for the patient to arrive at the place where he or she will receive treatment (in Russia that’s important, e.g. if the place takes 2 days to reach, they will have an extra 4 days in their LN)
Regulations for giving LN to those taking leave to treat a family member
I’m putting in this information too because I think it’s interesting, and if possible should be in any medical policy, unless anyone’s got a better one.
For mothers (or guardian) with an ill child:
<> 7 years - until a period of 15days
<>7 years who are warded - after recommendation from the commission of experts about the necessity of the parent’s care
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