congratulations to everyone in my 2002-2008 batch of medical students in Russia!!
we finally made it safely to the other side,
and now we're doctors!!
so what happens now?
this is the end of a chapter in our lives,
and a beginning of a new, bigger and insyaAllah better one..
oh the usual... nearly everyone's registered with the MOH,MMC and SPA, and waiting for their posts.. some like eric opted for the army..
some are getting married like gmi in kelantan. He's going to move to bangi in a rented house with his wife..he sounds pretty happy on the phone,hehe good luck mate
some like yik, bought cars, computers, clothes etc for work..
a few others are taking their licenses..usen, yik, wen im (i think)
the sarawakian girls (wan tsien, beatrice) are undergoing btn as we speak
some, like Jana, are going places, like India.most of us had a few trips to other cities in Russia namely kazan, moscow, sochi, and st petersburg (i think the moscovites have recently finished their trips,they'll be backe on the 25th)..undoubtly most of the volgogradians have visited their families and kampung..
the nizhny novgorodians have come back too. They brought back taiko and jimis' documents from the embassy a few days ago..
some spend their holidays meeting friends and meeting families..
i stayed at home and *cough* read comics and a few books like the annotated sun tzu's art of war for management, some mags, and *cough* a few medical books..and was online virtually every waking minute...but neglecting to add anything on my blogs and stuff..dunno, I just didn't feel like it. No pearls of wisdom from me..seriously, this is the only thing i could come up with.
But all this will end soon..and so begins a new chapter- work!
I'll begin mine soon- on the 31st of july will be my BTN, followed by the induction till the 19th of August. I'll be there with a few volgograd students- li fan and ragesh (so far).
I'm skipping almost everything- gmi's wedding, zulfaizal's wedding, nadiah moscow's wedding, some ppim and other camps and stuff..but i wont be in most of them anyway, i was in Labuan, and i promised to take care of my older brother while my parents go to my younger brother's graduation this august..(and all this seem to fantastically clash as if the dates for everything was pins and a bowling ball of 2-3 days crashes into it with a strike)
So in short i wont be going for any of them. Straight to work for me. Work work.
I'll keep to myself first, which hospitals did I choose. Most of you reading this already know, or can readily guess, I think.
You'll know eventually.PS: I love Kartik's look searching for his mortarboard. Priceless.
(you should have seen the others' too..miliseconds later)
new chapter of an interesting story.
keep it up man! gd luck working *cough*
oh..and at me in YM too..lwchan999@yahoo.com
thanks bro
enjoy your final year in volgo, like it or not you'll definitely miss your students days
haha..memang dramatic posing kartik tu..
how r u doin,my ex..class,house,room,eat,bed?mate..haha
keep in touch bg no br ko eh nnt..
take care..
btw aku dah dpt lesen,alhamdulillah..hehe..dah penat pusing2 bandar..
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