Saturday, April 23, 2011

zul is bored

Time alone is the best time,
Probably because I'm an introvert, something I have come to embrace fully, Alhamdulillah.
embracing my self..not another weird cult. And this picture is not me trying a weird cult in Russia, just so you know
Unfortunately it doesn't mean I can live alone. Being stuck without friends to hang out with is a bummer, and really depressing. I still need people.
This is the first time I've really been living alone. Usually I had housemates, or was living with my parents, like everyone else. My last housemate advised me against this, but at that time, it was the most easy and obvious answer to living here.
Now I spend as much time alone as I want. In fact, I'm spending too much time alone, which sometimes drive me nuts.
nuts i tell Ye

i miss sifi
these guys too, and mr snegurochek
snorkeling a whole day was fun, exciting, and a bit salty
There are perks, I don't get tired around people, I have that much time for self-reflection (not in the mirror, more like muhasabah etc), I restarted a lot of things/hobbies I usually did as a student, I get to go on travels and such, and usually got that extra mile I usually don't go when going with less adventurous friends, and I organize myself better, or worse depending on the mood. But recently, a chance meeting, and other opportunities to hang out with some people other than myself unnerved me a bit. And I find myself missing my family and old friends, and wanting new ones. I want to go on adventures with friends, go eat out with other people, because them being there makes it that more significant. Otherwise I'd be like an explorer or poet, telling people of those adventures that might have just been lies or a figment of my imagination. OK that's not exactly the reason why, but bottom line, being alone is awesome, but I need friends soon or I'll feel like I'm missing out a lot.  My plan - call old friends and family more, and get in touch with the family and friends I know here, be more open minded and accept new friends. Plans don't usually work, but they help, InsyaAllah.


Anonymous said...

dalam hati ada kolestrol, sbb tu rs lonely.. kena bakar kolestrol tu.. all the best..

zyryx said...

kalau bakar lemak sedap jugak.

Anonymous said...

a'ah sedap.. bakor jer..

zyryx said...

pastu kene strok

Anonymous said...

sape sruh tak jg makan n mls exercise.. :P