Saturday, October 07, 2006


u guys might think i have so much time going online and putting so many photos...well think again! i'm doing my homework..making a реферат for my gynaecology subject..and it's been hard (mental) work searching for a nearly non-existent anymore term like Chiary-frommel syndrome and making a whole paper/folio out of nothing in a week(while resuming daily life,classes and lectures as always).well i guess i've found most of it anyway..and yes i did update my blog a lot on the way(and a few other things i'd do on the net)- you can say that i'm 'drinking water while swimming'?hehe..
and i thought i'd be free from boring folio projects once i get to medicine before reaching here...well..maybe it's not half as boring,once u get the right motivation,mood and attitude..good nite and happy ramadhan!

ps:it still proves i went online a lot though..hehe dah i'm going to sleep..according to my clock i'm going to sleep 3 hours..tipu(konfem ade slack mana2 esok..hehe let's hope i can get thru to the evening)


Anonymous said...

Nice pic. Hehe I go online quite a lot too. And, believe it or not, was sleep-deprived quite a few times because of it. Lectures sah tido...

Selamat menyambut 2nd half of Ramadhan ;)

zyryx said...

thanx..u can find more from

haha we do what we can with what we have...selamat menyambut 2nd half of ramadhan too and good luck 4 ur 3rd yr