in 2 days, my final sem will start, before we all go home for good insyaAllah
right now, i'm preparing stuffs for the classes, and my parents' n sister's visit on my graduation on the 25th of june.sounds easy but russia's far and not really that reachable wihtout some effort.
my dream of becoming one of the finest students shattered long before, right now i'm just thankful to have come to this final sem, and insyaAllah, i'll concentrate more after this to graduate, and insyaAllah work as a good enough doctor.
I'm just getting really2 curious about what my prospects are as a doctor,what are my career options, which place is better,what should i go for? can i go far?and should I, or could I...things like that.
about the near past- well, i've been travelling again..probably for the last time as a student-tourist..this time to egypt.i really cant thank enough the students/ustaz there who helped u a lot and took us around, especially zam's close friend from high school, ustaz Luqman, who took care of virtually was really a precious experience
a few days before this i took the time to browse around the other internet webpage services for photos and blogs..and so, after some consideration,i've decided to change my photoblogs to flickr, the reason : i could upload much, much more photos in one shot.but the 100mb limit per month might prove a uploads are small in size anyways..hehe
i've started to upload my pics in egypt
heremeanwhile.. the fotopages is still active,as i still have a lot to upload from my previous travels around europe..blame it on my procrastination..sorry..hehe
NB! the images are small and altered, although i dont sell them, if you want a pic as a wallpaper or something, ask them from me, insyaAllah i'll send the original pic to you, in the original size if you want
i'll also try to upload some videos..but i might not take the trouble to edit it in any way..
another interesting website that i might try using is
but that remains to be seen as the only point of it is that it connects all my webpages in a nice layout..i still have problems connecting it with my youtube though..
more or less the webpages are essentially the same in'll see the word zyryx nearly everywhere i go in this cyber world
here's a new video, in alexandria ,hopefully viewable
since there's so much to do..please consider this website, and the others, as under partial i still need to reorganize the photos and layout..
PS: somewhere in the distant corners of my memory something tells me that someone tagged me for something..should i do it?